DL0AO LF-Grabber near Amberg, JN59VK

Wideband view of amateur band 135.7 - 137.8 kHz, between DCF39 and HGA22 (2.93 Hz FFT, 1 s scroll)

Fieldstrength plots

QRSS-60 TA and Eu slots (20.3 mHz, 10 s scroll)
Screenshots from last 24 hours:  2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 UT

WSPR / FST4W / Opera subband 137.5 kHz, QRSS 137.7 kHz (0.244 Hz, 20 s scroll)
Screenshots from last 24 hours:  3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 UT

Opds-32 and EbNaut (0.477 mHz, 10 min scroll)

Opds detections and archive, EbNaut auto-decoder results

DL0AO MF-Grabber

Wideband view of amateur band 472 - 479 kHz (0.73 Hz, 1 s scroll)

WSPR / FST4W subband 475.7 kHz, QRSS 476.18 kHz (0.244 Hz, 12 s scroll)
Screenshots from last 24 hours:  2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 UT

Opds-8 (1.7 mHz, 2 min scroll, 19 - 5 UT)

Links:  LF grabber list (2013)  DF6NM  DK7FC  DL7NN   IZ7SLZ   RN3AUS   R2BAS   RA3YO aggregator   DL0AO (Loran-C)   DL0AO (VLF)